Charter of Afghanistan Humanitarian Trust Fund signed

Governance & Politics

Charter of Afghanistan Humanitarian Trust Fund signed

PESHAWAR (Pajhwok): The Charter of the Humanitarian Trust Fund for Afghanistan has been signed by the OIC secretary-general and the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) president.

OIC chief Hissein Brahim Taha and Islamic Development Bank, Dr Muhammad Sulaiman Al-Jasser inked the charter of the trust fund.

Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi told the signing ceremony the dire humanitarian situation in Afghanistan warranted urgent action.

The trust fund was launched under the aegis of the Islamic Development Bank. Its establishment was a key outcome of the 17th extraordinary session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers, held in December 2021.

Qureshi urged OIC member states, Islamic financial institutions, donors and international partners to make donations to the trust fund, recalling the OIC decision to play a leading role in delivery of humanitarian aid to Afghanistan.


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